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Clips and teasers.

All +- 60 sec. and less.





Assignment: Announcement

Work content: Concept / motion design / direction / styling / camera / editing.

Client: Mirjam Nuver / Hat designer

Assignment: Teasers for Summer collection and Winter sale

Work content: Concept / direction / camera / editing.

Client: Gallery KANT / Denmark

Assignment: Announcement ART Rotterdam

Work content: Concept / motion design / direction / camera / editing.

Client: Belgian artists, Catherine Beyer and Lisa Pryen (mother, daughter) 

Assignment: announcement for their expo 'Inspirations neo-tribale' in Brussels.

Work content: Concept / motion design / direction / camera / editing.

Client: French Photographer, Emilie Danchin.

Assignment: Teaser for her work 'Le Bois des Reves'.

Work content: Concept / direction / camera / editing.

Client: Viv Puype / actrice

Assignment: Teasers

Work content: Concept / direction / camera / editing.

Client: Bocamiau / Mexican Delicacy

Assignment: Presentation

Work content: Concept / direction / camera / editing.

Client: Romain Smets / Model

Assignment: Clip for portfolio

Work content: Production / direction / camera / editing.

Client: German coach, Jan Kleeberg

Assignment: Presentation

Work content: Production / direction / camera / editing.

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